News - Health Promoting Schools
2023/2024 School Year
19th Feb 2024
Jr, Sr, 1st and 2nd were doing an amazing Science experiment. They were seeing which...
2020/2021 School Year
23rd Feb 2021
If you have signed up to this (link on our website), here are some of the activities...
16th Feb 2021
Here is another video from Kate on conditioning for gymnastics. I know many of you...
- All
- 2nd, 3rd and 4th class: Ms. Shannon & Ms. Donnelly
- 5th/6th class: Mr. Brennan
- Active Schools
- Art
- Basketball
- Discovery Primary Science
- Egg Drop
- Green School Action Day
- Green Schools
- Health Promoting Schools
- Infants and 1st class: Ms. Harding
- Maths
- Parents' Association
- Science
- Snow Fun
- St. Brigid's Day
- Valentine's Day
- World Book Day
St. Lassara's National School, Ballinacarrow, Co. Sligo, Ireland
T: 071-9130350 | E: